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Ingredients: Ground Cinnamon & Brown Sugar
Benefits: "The anti-fungal, antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties of cinnamon makes it useful against acne and skin blemishes. Cinnamon also improves blood flow to the surface of the skin resulting in a moist skin. The gentle abrasion of a sugar scrub removes damaged or dead skin cells and unclogs pores. This helps prevent many skin issues such as blackheads, skin blemishes, breakouts, and acne. Brown sugar is popularly used as scrub for exfoliating skin, it is a natural humectant. As brown sugar exfoliates dead cells from the outer skin and hydrates the skin, it gives the skin a shiny glow. Brown Sugar also removes scars and prevents acne breakouts."
Care Instructions: After each use, be sure to place bar on soap dish and in a cool and dry area to ensure the product last.

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SKU: 0532
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